An explanation of Mondrian's oeuvre by Michael Sciam

The modern project

A new society

“Post-mortem” architecture

The search for new values

I believe that the search for values, about which there is so much talk nowadays, is also a question of plastic space capable of generating a new mental space. We shall only find more certain and lasting values by adopting a dynamic vision capable of harmonizing with a reality that continuously changes.

A constant relationship cannot in fact be established between subject and object, i.e. between outer reality and its inner perception, if they are not traveling at much an approximate same speed. The choice is ours: whether to adopt a dynamic vision of reality or opt for a return to the slower rhythms of life of the agricultural society and the more certain, tried and tested values associated with that type of social organization such as, for instance, figurative painting.

“Strong thought”

So-called realistic or figurative painting would regain its veracity if we again perceived our surrounding reality at the speed of the human being on foot or horseback. Everything changed much more slowly in social life back when the world appeared to be almost immobile, when people thought that it was the sun that revolved around the earth and that reality was something permanently given on which they could in any case exert no influence.

Realistic or figurative painting can no longer be “true” today because it is we ourselves with our ideas and actions that alter its underlying assumptions every day. Here lies what I regard as one of the fundamental contradictions of our time, namely the fact that we live in accordance with dynamic rhythms that our common sense still represents through a static and hence obsolete space.

This is also one of the factors leading to the general crisis of values and in particular of “strong thought”, not to mention the whole of the recent parade of Neo, Trans, and Post trends in the visual arts, all of which basically mean an incapacity to formulate an effective vision of present-day reality.

The complexities of social life

A utopian proposal

The modern project foreshadowed by some masters of abstract-concrete art was something more than a fashion, which is what most of our contemporary visual “culture” unfortunately boils down to. In the case of Piet Mondrian, the issue was not only aesthetic but also ethical, social and especially spiritual at the same time. To tell the truth, a look around leads us to suspect not only that modernism has not been superseded but also that it has not even begun in its deeper sense.